Dr Elaine Ryan

Chartered Psychologist

Dr of Psychology | MSc Psychology | BSc Psychology

Dr Ryan has been working in psychology for 20 years. She specialises in working with adults who have anxiety disorders and OCD. Throughout her career, she worked in

  • The National Health Service in the UK,
  • The Brothers of Charity in Ireland,
  • National University of Ireland in Maynooth
  • Private Practice for the past 12 years.

Professional Memberships

  • Member of the British Psychological Society (BPS)
  • Member of the UK Society for Behavioural Medicine
  • Member of Division of Health Psychology, BPS
  • Member of Division of Neuropsychology, BPS
  • Registered European Psychologist


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As a psychologist, I am bound by professional bodies’ ethical rules. I am registered with professional bodies and adhere to British Psychological Society.

in my own words

Positive growth.

Most of my professional life was spent in the UK, working in The National Health Service. During my time there, I managed to work with every single mental health condition and got trained in all reputable therapy models.

Since returning to Ireland 14 years ago, I have worked with people who are probably a lot like you. I work with ordinary, everyday people to make their life better.

People come to see me with everything from stress, depression, anxiety, and relationship problems to getting help stopping their minds from racing, needing sleep, or just wanting to reach their full potential or feel happy and content in their skin.

I am grateful for my years in training and work in the NHS, as it has impacted the quality of service I can offer you.

What you will receive working with me


I offer services such as CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy.)

I am an expert in this model and supervised Doctoral Level Trainees in the National Health Service in the UK during their CBT training.

I am not just a CBT Therapist. I am a Psychologist who is an expert in CBT. This means I have a few more strings to my bow than the average therapist.


Every thought you have has to do with your brain. Your habits, behaviours, and what you feel in your body have to do with your brain.

I often say to people that have tried many things or other therapists before coming to me that if they did well for a while, go back to thinking the same old thoughts, feeling the same old way, that it is not their fault – it is just how your brain works.

Understanding how your brain works for you is half the battle in getting where you want to be. This could be getting rid of anxiety, improving your mood, taking better care of your life, running your business, or improving your relationships. Your brain is either unhelpful or helpful to you.

Most of my work is to ensure that your brain is helpful to you.

What does that mean for you?

It means I will understand your problem, not just apply CBT. I will have a wide selection of tools in the therapy toolbox. I also have an additional toolbox (to continue with the analogy) that includes understanding your brain and your emotions, habits and why you do the things you do.

Outcomes and feedback

Retrain Your Brain®.

92% said that Retrain Your Brain helped them with anxiety, and 95% would recommend the course to others

Health Anxiety.

90% said that the Health anxiety roadmap helped them with anxiety, and 97% would recommend the course to others

Panic Attacks.

80% said that Stop panic attacks helped them with panic, and 96% would recommend the course to others.